Friday, 18 September 2015

Elite Dangerous: Pirate From Square One.

So as you all know or don't (love to state the obvious) I have done a great deal of tinkering and thinking about being a Pirate in Elite Dangerous and at the beginning of the week decided that this was the new role for me.

My initial experiences have been extremely poor. Not through any fault of the game but through my lack of understanding and general gung ho approach.

I said in my last post that I will be making some YouTube videos which will be all about becoming and being a Pirate with broken down sections of how to do this.  These will be called "The Pirate Logs".

So, to do this I really can't be telling people to fit this and fit that module when they have just started. Most will not have the credits or the knowledge of how to gain these credits. So with this in mind I deleted my account. Cremated my commander and singed my credits into the wishing well of all lost in space.

So square one. A Sidewinder and 1000 credits. All loaned. One will take this opportunity to go through the motions for all to learn. I will skip most of my mistakes and fill "The Pirate Logs with how I got it right.  Welcome guys to the new Pirate. Welcome to Elite Dangerous.

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