Monday 26 February 2018

Air Traffic Controller after dinner speech

 If you have the time to watch this you will be laughing throughout....

A fantastic after dinner speech which just does not disappoint!


A short video of me flying the AV8 Harrier. I have started a new campaign in Loriks Korea Theatre Yin Yang and fragged a Strike mission on a radar station in the mountains.

The Complete Falcon Collection for £3.50

Okay guys....

You have 15 hours from the time of this posting to pick up the deal....... This is the very best deal for price / gameplay you will ever get..... considering that you will end up playing this for YEARS....

Even if you don't.... £3.50..... Just do it!

Click the link below.....

P.S.... I have no affiliation to the above link..... I saw the deal and wanted to share....

Saturday 24 February 2018

Yeager Chuck 1991 MasterEdit

From an early age this man has been my hero... I read his autobiography when I was 13 and just found this man to be, what I considered the pinnacle of the human spirit. He has been there and done that on nearly everything ever related to flying and what didn't kill him, he looks back and laughs. Everything is right with  Chuck Yeager....

 If you ever get a chance to read his book... I promise, aviation nut or not, you will not be able to put it down!

Monday 5 February 2018

The guy who invented rocker fuel dies age 107


Another low level ingress to target where I am flying in a 4 ship package. My job is to provide suppression of enemy air defenses whilst keeping my package safe from air threats and once SAMs have been cleared I am then to turn the mission into a destroy of enemy air defenses