Wednesday 4 March 2015

Conky - The ultimate systems monitor

Okay guys,

Had a few people ask me I make my desktops rock in Linux and 90% of the time they are asking how do they get that funky cool system monitoring thingy that is persistent (sticky) on every workspace I switch to? The answer is CONKY.
Conky is a very simple script but can be manipulated to produce wonderful effects.  So lets get it for you....

Assuming you are running a Debian or Ubuntu derivative....

sudo apt-get update  (if your repositories are not updated)
sudo apt-get install conky-all

Okay now if you run conky in the command line (Bash) you will see you have conky running but it sure looks different.

Right I will attach here my Google Drive link which is shared so you can all grab my configuration.  There are many others out there and a simple search of deviant art will come up with some which may suit you more.

Editing the script is fairly simple. The script for the main config is stored in /etc/conky/conky.conf
I also have a .conky folder on my user home and this is where I store the graphical "Cairo" script to return those lovely clocks and dials.  You will see in the conky.conf file that it does point to it.

Both are totally editable to your tastes.

For more information on conky elements to add to your conkycong script please look at

Unfortunately I don't have time today to break down each element for you. I may do another blog for this at a later date. Right now if things are not working exactly as you had hoped with my scripts (e.g monitors not showing or returning results) please look into what info you have on your computer. A good program for this is "systems profiler and benchmark". (sudo apt-get install hardinfo); You might find that your wifi is running on wlan4 or wlan0. Also you will have to edit your hard drive info to correspond to what you have. (${fs_used /media/unleashedcode/AEROCAM_EXT}) will obviously be different for your external drive).

One other thing is you will see that my conky has images of hard drives and monitors. This is just a font. POKY font is what's required.

The structure is all there just fiddle about as you please to suit you.  Any questions should be looked online as their are a billion answers everywhere. If your really stuck comment below and I will help you.

Okay breaking this down

  1. sudo apt-get install conky-all
  2. copy my conky script into a notepad and save it to /etc/conky/conky.conf (root permissions required)
  3. make a directory in your home directory called .conky
  4. place the file conky_orange.lua file in that directory
  5. edit the scripts to your requirements
  6. get the POKY font
  7. create a directory again in your home directory called .fonts
  8. put the  POKY font in that directory
  9. run the command sudo fc -cache -fv
  10. All should be good. Add it to your startup programs and that is it.


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